The Lockport Locks Heritage District Corporation (LHDC) is a 501c3 non profit corporation. Contributors to the LHDC may make donations with the knowledge that the organization complies with the highest standards of public accountability and transparency.
Donors may make general purpose contributions to help defray the annual operating costs of the Locks District, or they may restrict their donations to specific operating or capital (Canal Beautification, America's Stairway Documentary, e.g.) purposes.
A Schedule of Donor Benefits is available for contributions to defray Locks District annual operating expenses. Various benefits are also available to capital contributors; however, the New York State Canal Corporation prohibits the commercialization of publicly owned areas in the Lockport Locks.
Donations may be made by check payable to "Lockport Locks Heritage District Corporation" and mailed to the following address:
Lockport Locks Heritage District Corporation
One Locks Plaza
Lockport, NY 14094
The Lock Tenders Tribute Monument was conceived of and brought to fruition by the efforts of the Interpretation Committee of the Lockport Locks Heritage District. Appreciation is also extended to the Locks District Research Team, which undertook significant genealogical research work in order to properly identify the names of the 12 Lock Tenders depicted in the photo and monument.
Funding for the design, fabrication and installation of the Lock Tenders Tribute has been generously provided by the following:
County of Niagara/Niagara River Greenway
NYS Department of State
NYS Canal Corporation
Grigg Lewis Foundation
County of Niagara/Niagara Falls Bridge Commission
yahoo! Community Benefit Fund
Niagara Falls National Heritage Area
Clark Rigging
DR Chamberlain Construction
Erie Canalway National Heritage Area
Mills Jewelers
Susan Geissler Studio
William G Pomeroy Foundation
Lockport Rotary Club
Mayor Anne McCaffrey/Annual Charity Ball
Merritt Machinery